the saga of
colonial airs and dances
the contented farmer and the thirsty topper's revenge
by me

once upon a time in a distant land, there lived an organic farmer by the name of eugene squashbuckle. he was, though not a rich man, quite a contented farmer. he owned a medium-sized plot of land on the edge of town on which he grew squash and carrots. he lived there with his wife, mrs. squashbuckle (who by the way had a very proper double chin) in a medium-sized house which, although it had no wooden floors and only one small staircase, had a very nice tin roof and a magnificent view of the world outside. he was a very nice man, and, as i said before, quite content indeed. (also, something else which i find quite necessary to add is that he had a friend by the name of farmer dell--who finally got mental help from charter, and not from someplace else, and was at last able to reconcile himself to the fact that his name really was farmer dell after all--who also was an organic farmer, though he does not come into our tale at this particular moment in time.)

now working for this farmer was a man who, although he was actually quite jollified and amiable most of the time, had a very short temper. his name was arthur a. chester, and he was quite fond of wearing his pink superman suit (which his dear mother had made for him many years before for halloween) with his top hat, and also of the colors orange and purple, as well as hot free-tos. another of his hobbies was attending carnivals, where he enjoyed riding the merry-go-round with his friends carny and joey. mr. chester's job was to remove the tops from farmer squashbuckle’s carrots. now although this job appears to be quite simple, mr. chester labored quite heavily indeed, and was prone to get thirsty quite often. thus he was called the thirsty topper. many times, to quench his thirst, mrs. squashbuckle provided for him cans of v8. but mr. chester really, to be quite honest, hated v8. coke, cherry coke, cherry pepsi, mountain dew, lemonade, carbonated orange juice, even carbonated water for pete's sake, anything was better than this horrible v8 mrs. squashbuckle continued to give him. so mr. chester vowed that if he was forced to drink one more can of v8, he would come after the squshbuckles’ daughters, jovannafer and megara cordelia, and stab them twenty-nine times with a butter knife (fifteen in the head and the rest in the heart), then set his killer pink snake upon them (who, by the way, was named ichabod, which means "the glory hath departed"). therefore, they were quite frightened. mr. chester very nearly fulfilled his vow, too. but thankfully farmer squashbuckle stepped in and decided that, instead of continually giving the topper v8, mrs. squashbuckle would give him dr. pepper, which mr. chester agreed was much better indeed. so now jovannafer and megara cordelia no longer had cause to worry, and everyone was once again happy. in fact, they all lived happily ever after to the end of their days.

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