27.03.2000 >> the tall texans of dallas club. what can is say? this is just so awesome. 25.03.2000 i went to see my dog skip last night with april, because we wanted to see something & it was practically the only movie out that wasn't rated r. how stupid is that? but anyway, i liked it, i thought it was a really sweet story (sorry for the comma splice). i loved the whole 40's thing. yes, being the sentimental person that i am, i cried when the dog was at the vet's, about to die. but then i cried in the lion king so...april thought the whole movie was cheesy and the acting was bad. but then, for the last couple years she's been taught how to critique acting, & i don't know anything about that stuff. it's the kind of movie my parents & brother would love, though. but now i have homework to do. yes, even on a saturday. unfortunately. "these are the best days of our lives? 13.03.2000 >> andrew peterson. his album comes out march 21. give him a listen, he seems pretty good both musically & lyrically. it's spring break this week. i have to leave tomorrow. no, i don't want to, but yes, i will try to have a good attitude. it's just that there's so many things i need to get caught up on here at home, i don't want to go off for four days and walk around science museums and historical attractions. yesterday when i was combing his hair, kyle asked what "fruity" meant. there was no sense in beating around the bush. i told him straight out that it meant gay. he said, "and fruitcake means the same thing?" "yes." i asked him if anyone had called him that; he said yes. poor guy. my heart went out to him. i know what it's like to be teased. and he's so obviously easy to tease, because he's so different from everyone. well, maybe someday he'll make a great contribution to science or technology & become rich & people won't laugh at him anymore. i got my license today. so now i have to start paying insurance. i'm not really that excited about the whole thing though. i probably should be more. but at least i won't have to wait around for my parents to take me everywhere now. still though, i won't be able to drive very much, without a third car. of course, if i wasn't saving my money for college i could probably buy a car. but that's the price of being a poor missionary kid. the irises are in bloom. 09.03.2000 >> the o channel--plane stalker is my favorite. my dad actually talked to me the last couple of days! i mean, pleasantly. about real stuff. not a whole lot, but still a little. more than usual. the weather is beautiful, and the breezes are lovely. we've even gotten little bits of rain the past couple of weeks. i have a good book to read (a severed wasp, by madeleine l'engle, one i've read before), and arpeggios to learn. we're doing a unit on shakespeare in english. i got nominated for national honor society & spanish honor society. and spring break starts tomorrow. yay! 05.03.2000 i've been getting more sleep lately, which is good (and also which is why this page hasn't gotten as much attention as in the past), but i've also been more mad at my dad, which isn't unusual. well, maybe not more, i don't know. i really need to get my license (i turned 16 last july, took driver's ed, & have my permit), but then i have to pay insurance, and also i don't have a car to drive so it won't do any good. so i would pretty much only drive on weekends. so then what's the use? i wish i could buy a car, but i'm saving pretty much all my money, everything i'm not spending or tithing. & i don't spend much at all. just a buck for some pizza every few days at school or something like that...but i have to save my money for college. cause my parents probably won't pay squat. which is kind of depressing. they didn't tell me to save it or anything, but i feel like i need to. but i want to buy a guitar, some cds, more stuff too. my parents don't buy very much stuff for me & i don't feel comfortable asking them to cause i know we don't have much money. i just wish they didn't complain about me working. i have to work. i have to have money of my own in my own bank account. i have to learn to handle my money. and i have to be away from home. i'm mad cause solo contest is over and i have no music to work on. i'm mad cause a cold front came in and spoiled the beautiful days. but these are just small maddening (sp?) things. i'm getting really tired of the colors on this page; i might change them. i want to do so much with this webpage but have no ideas whatsoever. so i'm looking at other people's pages for ideas but haven't been able to put together anything yet. we had a guest speaker in s.s. today & again in the evening service. he's from royal servants int'l, a teen missions-type thing. he talked about how, when you balance your knowledge of God w/ your experiences w/ God, then you start to really know Him. i'm not sure he's half wrong. as i think more about it, it's true. this subject will most likely require more of my thoughts in the next few days. blank. |
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